Can iBeacon Enabled Marketing be used for Non-Retail Businesses?

Can iBeacon Enabled Marketing be used for Non-Retail Businesses?

Everyone is still getting used to iBeacon’s indoor proximity systems, and many still have tons of questions. Using iBeacon technology, android developers have been able to help retailers significantly. But why can’t others cash in on the benefits? Seriously, why can’t iBeacon be used for other purposes? It turns out, it can. Even if you do not have a brick and mortar business, you can take advantage of the latest location based technology. Here are just a few ways you can work with an android app developer to use it for your marketing too.

Managing an Office

Do you run an office and require employees to clock in and out using a traditional timeclock? Connecting iBeacon to a time clock app may be a solution to help improve the process. When employees coming in to work pass the iBeacon, or on their way out for the day, the app can send their location data to the time clock. Online time clock software does the clocking in and out for them. It could also be used to find coworkers inside the office building. Discuss your ideas with an app developer.

Educational Facilities

You’re new to the campus and just a little bit lost. What if the school had a welcome app? It could use iBeacons to help students who are trying to figure out how to get around the campus. An app could also alert them to special events, coupons, special deals or the latest social event on campus. A developer could create it to transmit study aids and classroom materials when the student’s device is detected in class. What a new way to take attendance.

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Marketing an Event

Perhaps one of the largest non-retail uses for iBeacon include events like conferences, festivals, concert and sporting events. Major League Baseball has already jumped on this and installed iBeacons in many of their parks across the US. Baseball fans can automatically check-in to their games as well as collect special offers. Industry conferences can use the latest technology to transfer special notices or electronic programs. Some may use it to allow participants to select sessions when they pick up badges.

Emergency Response

It shouldn’t be too long until iBeacons are the norm for emergency situations. App developers can create applications that alert attendees of emergency situations. It might be used to alert them to an issue, give directions to storm shelters or other necessary life saving information. iBeacon enabled applications can be used from the planning stages for a conference or event.

These are all great ideas to be on the lookout for in the coming months. However, remember when talking to an app developer that iBeacons are not useful on their own. It’s necessary to have a downloadable application on their device. After a visitor downloads the application, communication is established. iBeacons do not push notifications, they have to work in conjunction with a compatible application.