
As you already know that smartphone users are increasing day by day and the figure keeps on growing year by year. People spent most of the time on social media apps, news, blog reading & many others. It generates a tremendous opportunity to be seen in front of them my developing mobile apps for your business so that your offering can be conveniently accessed through their smartphones.

According to the statistics, there are 7 billion mobile subscribers worldwide with a majority of them using smartphones for various purposes ranging from surfing the internet to banking transactions to buying products and reading informational blogs. Over 179 billion apps are downloaded each year. People spend an average of 2 to 5 hours on their smartphones using various apps, a segment that has witnessed explosive growth in recent times with over 19 billion mobile app developers creating a host of applications. Ignoring these facts will not be beneficial for any business.

On the other hand, whether you are small, medium or large scale business, you have to take this opportunity and scale your business to the next level with the following advantages:

  • Your business offerings always are in the hand of your customers and easily accessible.
  • You can grab more engagement with your customers & know their preferences better.
  • Can send promotional offers directly to their devices via push notifications.
  • It helps in delivering a personalized experience to your customers.
  • More user-friendly than your existing business website.
  • Quickly collect feedback & more analytical data like age, address, likes/dislikes from your customer.
  • Can provide many additional features that can’t be served by the online website like wearable fitness apps, etc.
See also  Every Business Needs a Mobile App Development?

It is not just small businesses that benefit from mobile apps; enterprises to are emphasizing greater use of apps for virtually all aspects of their operation. Apps are here and are going to be the future so pick your developer with due care, and you are set to stay current with the changing times.

  1. By 2021, there will be approximately 7 billion mobile users globally. (Source)
  2. By 2022 annual mobile app downloads are forecasted to touch 258 billion. That’s a 45 percent jump from 178 billion downloads in 2017. (Source)
  3. By 2022 app store consumer spending is predicted to increase by 92 percent to $157 billion worldwide. (Source)
  4. In 2019, the average US adult spent three hours and 43 minutes a day on a mobile device. (Source)
  5. Mobile app users in the United States have over 100 apps installed on their smartphones. (Source)
  6. The average mobile user checks their smartphone 63 times a day. (Source)
  7. 87 percent of users will check their phones at least one hour before sleep, and 69 percent of those users will check their phones within 5 minutes before sleep. (Source)
  8. 79 percent of users abandon a product after only one day of use. (Source)
  9. Generation Z (ages 16-24) spends 20 percent more time and involves their most-used apps 30 percent more often than the rest of the population. (Source)
  10. Mobile apps account for 57 percent of all digital media usage. (Source)


If you are looking for a mobile application development company, you can reach Fablian Technologies for quality development.