How to secure your WordPress website from hackers and spammers ?


Security of any website or online application is a primary concern of all of us. Sometimes we have to face unpleasant surprises due to our negligence towards the safety of our online applications. Securing our online presence should be our prime goal along with the development of our business website. On the same topic, Today I am going to share few tips to secure your WordPress site so that you can sleep without anxiety and make a dent on anonymous spammers.

After done with your WordPress design & development follow these steps to make secure layers on your website code so that none of the uninvited elements enter into your site to steal your information.

  1. Make sure your WordPress website running on the latest available version with all plugins & extensions should be updated with the most recent release of updates. This will remove vulnerabilities in code.
  2. Install Security Plugin to develop a layer of security on healthy WordPress development. I would prefer iThemes Security ; This plugin has around 22 ways to secure your WordPress development.
  3. Hide the obvious entry path of your WordPress website. As you know, that WordPress is an open source platform everybody knows it’s code structure and entry ways such as login, admin login, registration, etc. We should change the paths of wp-login, wp-admin by using iThemes mentioned above Security plugin.
  4. Block unusual log in attempts on WordPress admin login screen; spam bots or anonymous scripts try various permutation and combination of passwords to enter into it. By setting a limit of login attempts, we can eliminate these elements and block their IP to avoid further nonsense on our website. This will also possible through IThemes Security plugin.
  5. Integrate SSL certificate on your website, so that all communication between you site user & website will be done on a secure & encrypted path.
  6. Never put your username as Admin, as it is very usual practice to use this username. So put something unique and known to you only which will hard to guess by hackers.
  7. Change the database prefix of WordPress installation from wp_ to something else to make it hard to imagine for outside evils.
  8. Setup periodic automatic backups of your website & database so that it can be used in unfortunate events.
  9. Protect your wp-config.php file which is in the root folder of the WordPress site. This data is very crucial as it contains all credentials and a secret key of the website. In WordPress, it is very easy to protect it from simply small change. Take wp-config.php file to some other folder from root and WordPress has the capability to read it from there automatically.
  10. Disable file editing from WordPress admin panel so that if by chance anybody gets success in entering in your website he can’t make any disastrous changes in your theme files.
  11. Check & rectify all WordPress files permissions at your hosting place. Refer to this guide : 
  12. Disable directory listing in your hosting through .htaccess file with following code: Options -Indexes. So that nobody access your folder’s data where there is no index file.
  13. Disable PHP extensions file in any upload feature in your WordPress website.
  14. Disable long named files in any upload feature in your WordPress website.
  15. Implement Google captcha to avoid spam entries such as comments, etc.
  16. Block users who try to access nonexistence of pages which result into 404 error regularly, This will be possible through iTheme Security plugin.If it seems lengthy procedure for you to do above tasks, you can always hire professional WordPress security experts who will do these for you efficiently. Fablian Technologies is one of the named agency in the field of WordPress website security. You can reach them to make secure your website and take rest from the unusual hacking attempts.
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You can also check fixed package offer by Fablian Technologies, to make your WordPress website secure & spam free : WordPress Security package