Why we need mobile apps for our Business

Why we need mobile apps for our Business

Digital Passes Television from Share of Time Spent – Recent info from eMarketer finds that Americans spent time in 2017 on digital media as compared to any other media, including tv. This is the classic turning point and should ring the electronic first bell in mind. The same research finds that within the 5 hours every day Americans are spending from digital, a plurality of the time has been spent on a mobile device. Unexpectedly, this is up a 575% by the twenty-four minutes spent on cellular devices per day only 3 years prior, in 2014. This should ring the mobile bell in mind.

Americans time spent per day on cellular devices has increased 575% in 3 years. – Mobile Usage = App Utilization – App analytics company Flurry released information from their monitoring of over 300, 000 software and discovered that the average time spent daily on cellular devices is 2 hours, 30 eight minutes, which tracks closely ish into eMarketers 2: 21 calculation. But here’s where it gets intriguing! Flurry finds that 80% of mobile phone time is spent on applications, 20% in the browser. 80% of the time spent on cellular devices is spent using apps.

Can It Be Crazy If It’s Happening?

Many of my co-workers from the advertising world have indicated that I’m crazy and that people won’t wade throughout the ocean of software when they can simply use an internet website, or ask Google, or access info in another manner. They might be right. But, when mobile is the way we’re spending our time, and we’re ALREADY spending 80% of the mobile time in software, I believe this demonstrates that customers indeed need the simplicity and focus that software provides, instead of the variety and diffusion inherent in sites.

See also  Mobile App development for Grocery Business

What’s in for business from the above erudition? 

Our target / potential customers spending much time on their handheld devices, so we have to be a part of that. Our business has to be in a presence on their smartphones in the shape of an app. Which gives details about our business products & services, even should have the feature to order our services & products for our potential customers.

What type of business industry is more successful in the mobile app platform? 

Although any business industry can take advantage of this mobile digital age. Mostly business involves the activity of e-commerce transactions, on-demand services like Food, Doctor appointments, product retail, Market Places where providers & direct consumers meet & do the transaction, Social networking, etc are the most common one who already in this race of mobile digital media.

and much more…

What major benefits for your business in perspective of your potential customers?

1. Potential to reach customers in a more effective & engaging way through Push Notifications, Offers, Reward systems.

2. Reward Wallet – You can provide reward wallet to your customer so that they keep in touch of your business & regularly visit your business to earn rewards & discount schemes.

3. Mobile App enables to remove other competitors from the place other than the web. On the web, your customer can compare your services or products to thousands of other vendors whereas the case is different when you provide mobile-exclusive deals to your customers via your mobile app.

4. You can greet your customer by personalizing the message whenever they visit your business place, also offer them deals based on their previous purchases or experiences. Which is not possible with web-based digital media or any other traditional media.

See also  Top 15 Benefits of Having Mobile App for your Business

5. User Experience – Mobile App delivers highly optimized and easy to use platform to your customer to access your services & products.

6. An additional source of revenue generation – See now 80% of your potential customers using their smartphone most of their time and if you don’t have app for your business you are losing a lot of money on the table by not targeting your mobile audience.

How to start developing your First mobile app for your business?

We will right on this in a fresh post, In the meantime, if you want to discuss how Mobile App Development can benefit your business you can reach Fablian Technologies, We have a vast experience in developing mobile apps for different kinds of businesses.