Does your business need Mobile App Development in 2019?

mobile app development company

“Does we need a mobile app for my business” – During meetings & client interaction we heard this question many times in today’s world of the millennial age. Companies ask whether we should have a mobile app development in brand building strategy or business promotion. Though there is no single answer to this subject, and for this reason, we have created this blog post where you can see numerous facts and determine your self if it is propitious for you to create a mobile app for your business.

A mobile app is not just a data distribution mechanism but it’s a platform to make engaging communication with your potential customers. And is an opportunity for business to connect with their customers & adapt different strategies of engagement & offers throughout the course of the journey.

Here are a few progressive facts to look on which are useful for market understanding & see where the trend is going forward. The number of iOS and Google Play mobile app downloads worldwide from 3rd quarter 2016 to 4th quarter 2018 (in billions) are from 14 billion downloads to 20.2 billion app downloads on Google Play Store whereas on iPhone iTunes store it’s from 6.2 iPhone apps download to 7.2 billion iPhone apps download. It keeps on increasing quarter by quarters of the years. Ref: Mobile App Download Stats

Mobile app download stats

The website is core essential for every business nowadays or it’s from a decade now. But having an online presence on the web in the form of website is not alone suffice for making a brand of the business in 2019.
In the past when websites were a novice medium to promote business and makes brand by having core features like e-commerce, online registration, email subscriptions, etc. Similarly, Nowadays mobile app development is at novice stage and peoples start accepting it and using apps on the mobile device for their daily life activities like social networking, news reading, online shopping, dating, etc. Now companies can’t resist adopting mobile app development into brand making potential.

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Buyer Expectations Are Changing

In today’s span of millennials, they are highly prone to the convenience of selecting business services or products. They are very demanding & want services or offerings in a comfortable way. They want to access information about business instantly regardless of where and when they want. They like to have services tailored to their taste by the businesses. A mobile app is a key to directly connect with the customers of business & engage with them with customizing messages & offerings to them. If any business still doesn’t on mobile app platform they are missing huge potential to grow among these types of customers which are hard to ignore in numbers.

Prime signs if you need a mobile app for your business growth

Seeing customers shifting towards the convenience of mobile devices, many companies realize the need for developing a mobile strategy to target these customers and don’t wait to stay behind in this new age of customer acquisition race. At mobile app platform companies can directly interact with their potential customer at any time from anywhere or even through mobile app development company offers functions based on customer actions. This is not only true that customer is moving towards mobile app platform that’s why every business brand needs a mobile app to dive in this but in reality, a mobile app provides value addition to offerings & engaging your regular customers through many innovative ways which is hard to achieve from having an online website. Here are 6 facts you should see to judge whether you should have a mobile app for your business.

  • Analyze your website analytics report & see if you are getting more traffic from mobile devices than the desk-based systems : As per stats, According to the 2017 Mary Meeker report, the amount of hours spent on the internet is still growing each year, but the split between desktop and mobile is enhancing more and more proclaimed. In 2016, Americans were spending 3+ hours per day on mobile (that’s 10 times more than in 2008) and just 2.2 hours per day on a desktop or laptop (no change since 2008). If you judge your website traffic & see more users are coming to your business website from a mobile device then it’s essential time to have a mobile app development for your business.
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Does your business need Mobile App Development in 2019?
  • Your target customer is millennial means younger generation: If services & products of your business made for the customers between the age group of 18 to 24 then you differently think for mobile app development for your business for proving convenience based offerings to grab your potential customers. Millennial age group is followed by the 25 to 35 age group. Based on study 70% of customers of the age group from 18 to 25 group download mobile apps for offers & discounts they receive from the app for their online shopping experience as compared to 30% of customers of the same age group who do retail shopping.
  • Most preferably if you are in selling products: If your business in selling products then mobile app for your business will be fruitful for increasing your sales. Sale & discount offers to drive your sales higher which is easy to communicate with the target group of customers through a mobile app.
  • You owned a traditional brick & mortar store: Either you are in selling products for offering services like delicious foods, custom made printing services, Mobile app for your business is an additional and essential part of your growth strategy. You can increase your reach to your potential customers by adopting digital means of mobile app development.
  • You already have a website and want to do some engaging stuff with your regular customers: Having a website for your business is a good thing nowadays but it is sometimes a static type of media no proper customer engagement, no target push offers, etc. Through a mobile app, you can gain access to your customer details and shoot targeted marketing campaign as per there taste and previous buying pattern.
  • Your business opponents already into mobile app strategy: Your competition business already have a mobile app for their business and grabbing potential customer base which you are lacking behind. If they are into the same business as you are and they own mobile app then you surely go for a mobile app development company right now.
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Core benefits of having a mobile app development for your business

  • Provide best customer experience to your business customers: Mobile app helps business to provide concise services to their customers. Easy to navigate, always updated with your services/products rates, easy to place an order any time from anywhere. Ease of convenience is a key factor needs to be achieved for excellent customer experience for buying your business services & products.
  • Mobile app helps to make your business brand: As already explained how we are seeing exponential growth in mobile app device users. So having a mobile app in your customer mobile is an opportunity to expand your business branding in front of your customer all the time. Your competitor already doing this and you should do it for your business growth. Customer search on google and opens tens of website to compare services/products but on mobile, it is a direct connection between your business and your customer experience.
  • Additional revenue generation model for every business: Mobile is not only for just showing the information about your services or products but it’s a separate model of revenue generation altogether. Not like a website, Mobile app directly makes your recurring customer, customer engagement with your services & products and keep buying them if they like the good experience of buying from your business.


I am 100% sure that you see many important points and this makes you start thinking about mobile app strategy for your business. Mobile apps development company helps you to grow your business by grabbing the audience for your business in this digital growth. If you have any doubt or want to discuss it more you can connect with Mobile app development company.