Why is my website not generating any traffic or business?

Why is my website not generating any traffic or business?

I hear this question many times in this form or other in my practice of business. Sometimes when we start a conversation with new customers they tell us having a website is of no use for their business, they have a website from decades and not a single lead comes from it. sounds the same scenario with you.

Read this, Yes we say a website is necessary for every business or to make an online present website is necessary. The second sentence is more prominent nowadays. Having website is not a solution but having a website like one of the asset is essential for online presence.

Back to the question – Why is my website not generating any traffic or business?

Reasons are:

1. The website has been live but no one knows it?

2. No awareness of website on search engines, social medias, directories, online classifieds?

3. The frequency of changing website content & update is very long.

4. The website has been built decades ago with no mobile responsive designs.

5. No call to action buttons, newsletter sign up, resourceful blog, etc.

6. No digital marketing of the website.

7. Not optimized for search engines.

8. Not a user-friendly, website visitor struggle to find the desired information about the business offerings .

So, the answer is from the previous paragraph. having a website and think your business will grow not possible at all in today’s time. It’s a comprehensive effort of many things to make a success through an online presence. Today we discuss all the necessary things needed to get online success to grow your business.

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Anyone serious about in getting success from online medium should follow and take care of these activities:

1.  Have a professional Logo – Logo speaks many things about a business. It should relate to service & types of products business provides along with a branding colors.

2. Brandable domain name – website domain www.yourcompanyname.com should be brandable it means should be short and easy to rememberable.

3. Extremely user-friendly website, easy to access from all devices, necessary call to actions buttons, FAQ, Service or product offering, Optimised for customers & search engines.

4. Having a good presence on Social media websites. You need not be on every social media platform but your business presence is necessary where are your customers. For example: For professional services, Linkedin is the best choice, for e-commerce Facebook, Instagram, etc.

5. Content marketing – Content is a King nowadays, You should publish content related to your business on your self-hosted blog & on other social media platforms.

6. Video marketing – As per latest reports, search engines give preference to videos first. On an average video strikes to customer brain more than images and text content.

7. White Papers – White papers are those supportive documents or articles which shoes the benfits of your services & products to your customers without trying your services before purchasing. For example – How to generate more leads for your business, What are the different types of jeans, etc.

8. Search Engine OptimizationSEO of website or your mobile apps. It has been said if your digital assets are online and no one find it in search results then there is no use of it. So you have to assign a dedicate resource or a professional agency to optimise your website to rank it well on desired keywords in search engines.

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List keeps going on …..

Above suggestions will increase traffic to your business which gives in increase in your revenues. And that is your ultimate goal of going online.

If you would like to have a professional consultancy on how to make your online presence useful you can reach a Best digital marketing agency India. or email at hello@fablian.com